
Characters in the summer i turned pretty
Characters in the summer i turned pretty

She dies of cancer by book two, but is heavily remembered by her family and friends throughout the course of the series. Even in death her calming force is referenced and used by all as they navigate through the different situations in their lives. Susannah "Beck" Fisher - The rock that everyone seems to cling to. His character undergoes a dramatic transformation in the third novel, changing from Golden Boy to Frat Boy, after spending some years at university. However, he grows tired of burying his feelings and demands his fair chance with her. Like Conrad, he falls for Belly in the first novel but allows his brother to pursue her first. He is a good friend to Belly and a loving brother to Conrad and deeply loves his family more than anything. Jeremiah "Jere" Fisher - The supposed golden boy of the Fisher family and supportive force in the family where Conrad is known to be the turmoil. Despite everything, he sincerely loves his family and friends and wants only what is best for them. In the first book, he develops feelings for Belly after finally noticing her, but has a very rocky relationship with her. He’s rebellious, stubborn and infuriating a great deal of the time with his family and friends since they struggle to understand him. He is known to push away his loved ones and keeps his emotions and feelings inside and rarely, if ever, expresses them. She also holds a passion for swimming and the feeling of being in water, finding it peaceful, and holds a great talent for the sport.Ĭonrad Fisher - The eldest son of Susannah and Mr. This is further complicated when she finds herself developing feelings for Jeremiah, resulting in an intense love triangle between the three. She has had a crush on Conrad since she was young, but her relationship with him proves to be rather rocky throughout the trilogy. She is known to be persevering, head-strong, sometimes domineering, and yet equally fragile. She is the daughter of Laurel and younger sister of Steven. Isabel "Belly" Conklin - The main character, narrator and protagonist in the series. The following are the characters of the The Summer I Turned Pretty trilogy.

Characters in the summer i turned pretty